National Trust Database - Search Results

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Displaying 1- 2 of 2 records found
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Acmena smithii

Lilly Pilly

'Marshmead', Buckland Road,, MALLACOOTA VIC 3892 - Property No T11036

Rare or localised Outstanding example of species An isolated specimen which has developed a wide, dense and symmetrical crown. Its location has enabled retention of its lower crown, often not the case in forest situations. The tree has two main leaders with slight compression between the stems. An attractive tree growing in association with the rare Yellow Elderberry.(Sambucus australasica) This tree is located in Marshmead, north of Harrisons Creek, near ... more



Acmena smithii

Lilly Pilly

57 Melbourne Road,, WILLIAMSTOWN VIc 3016 - Property No T12212

Contribution to landscape Aesthetic value This large old Lilly Pilly of at least 90years old contributes significantly and aesthetically to the Williamstown streetscape, visually connecting the mature trees lining the nearby streets. The proximity of the tree to the roadway and footpath allows people passing to enjoy this specimen. Local government is supportive of the protection and listing of significant trees that contribute to the visual impact of the area Tree ... more

